April 12, 2010

Back Again

Well hello there, world! Has it really been so long since I last posted?! Whoops. Anyway...I'm back. My best friend Cambria and I have decided to go on a little "blogging challenge" of sorts and blog everyday for two whole weeks! Yikes! We'll see how it goes...

I have decided to participate in the "Diana Scavenger Hunt" hosted by Rose of R's Adventures. For those of you who are utterly confused right now, let me explain. A "Diana" is a type of plastic film camera that is famous for its unpredictability and fun surprises in photos. Random splotches, blurry spots, weird lines all add to the fun of owning one of these little toys.    No, we are not searching for hiding people named Diana, although that would be fun too. What it is is a list of 12 things to take pictures of and then comment back with a link to your photos. If you have a Diana and want to join in or if you are just curious what the scavenger hunt items are, here they are:

I'm excited to see what my little Diana can come up with and I'll make sure to post my photos up here as well.

Have a simply lovely afternoon!

xoxo, meg

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh poooppayyyyy
    I thought the challenge was only 1 week, well here we go:)
    Ohhh and your pictures are soo gonna be the bombest pics ever!!!
    I can feel it in my bones:)

    You have a simply lovely day too!


Have a simply lovely day!
xoxo, megan